Tuesday, May 31, 2011

RANT: Relationships are "Hella" Whack

by M'leesa (@_ItsMimi)
Someone explain this to me: Why do so many people crave to be in a relationship while they're so young? Think about it. Middle school: "That boy is cute, I want to kiss him". Well, that's what my 12 year old sister says anyway. Middle school is where it starts. Young kids want to play house; it's just a big game for them, which is fine, until they realize it's the beginning of their obsession.

*Fast forward*: High school. Okay. THIS is the worst. You take one guy with raging hormones, then you take one girl with raging hormones, THEN you throw in the rest of the school the boy and girl find attractive because that's where they're both starting to learn how to control themselves. That's why most high school relationships never last. Hormones are only the beginning. People change dramatically during high school. Not only that, but kids in high school are usually easily influenced. "Bro, so-and-so is hella fine, hit that!" Now what? Boy has girlfriend, but doesn't wanna look like a sucka in front of his boys. So...boy cheats and bam! Story of high school relationships.

*Fast forward*: College...oh em gee...College is the WORST! I know from experience, as well as seeing my peers go through the same thing. Now, you're torn between a relationship, meeting entirely new people, being an ADULT, and having that "college life" you always see on television. So, what do you choose? (This is the "hella" whack part!) This is what most people choose: a relationship where you do meet new people and manage to keep it on the low. All of a sudden, Michelle turns into "Mike" (or Mike into Michelle). Your new friends want you to go out. We're all adults now. We're all 18+, but wait. Does your partner know about these new friends of the opposite sex you've met? I didn't think so. So "GIRLS NIGHT" you go out with all your friends. Uh oh...boyfriend had a boys night at the same place you're at...what now? That, or something like that has happened to all of us. So boyfriend and girlfriend fight and break up. Waste of time.

Others convince themselves: "We're in love, let's move in together!" Okay. I did this (lol not going to lie). It makes things better, right? Living with your guy/girl, playing house...yeah, it's totally fun. For, like, a total of two days. Then you start noticing things. Like how his friends come over and eat all your food, how her friends come over and take over the TV, or how tired you are of being around the same person everyday. Now, you're stuck in this pretty little lease with this person you do not want to be around anymore . Can I get a round of applause? *Rihanna voice*

So, you're probably sitting here, wondering what the moral of this rant is. Basically, it's that relationships are "hella" whack. It starts young, "Hide yo kids". Stop limiting yourself at such young ages! I totally respect the men and women who can be alone and don't need a relationship. You have to be able to do you before you can rock with someone else. Dating is cool...but let's be real. No one wants to be tied down at the age of 19, 20, or 21. That's "hella" whack. Have fun minus the stress! #ImJustSayin

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