Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gays and PDA

By Jojo (@glitternistax)
We often see couples hugging, kissing, swapping spit & holding hands everywhere we turn. Some of us stare and think to ourselves "I wish I had that." "They are so in love." Others may say "Aww, that's so cute." Some of us may not even acknowledge it. However, the most common thought is
"Get a room." Need less to say, PDA is PDA.

The other day while I was walking to work I saw this lesbian couple waiting at the bus stop holding hands. They were a cute couple. Both of them were very feminine. A group of people were in front of me and as the lesbian couple shared a pretty bold kiss approximately 50% of the guys couldn't stop staring. I chuckled and thought to myself, "Men....So predictable". The other 50% stared, sucked their teeth, or rolled their eyes.

Then it struck me, what if those were two straight people kissing? Does that make it A-okay?! I for one think that a peck on the lips between any couple is natural. I wouldn't have a full make out session in the middle of the street but If it did, I don't think anyone should judge. (Not that they will ever stop.)

Getting back to my point, that couple at the bus stop were just showing affection.. In a BOLD way. The stares, the rolling of the eyes; all that isn't necessary because at the end of the day - gay or not, we do the same thing straight couples do. We aren't aliens from another planet people!

So if you are the type of couple to let it all out there. Straight or gay. Do it!
People will judge no matter what you are doing. Let them stop and stare, at the end of the day. Love is love and it shouldn't have any restrictions!

That's all.

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