Saturday, August 27, 2011

Photographer: Ryan Schude

Name: Ryan Schude

Age: 32

Location: Los Angeles

What type of photography do you mostly do? Staged narratives

When did you first get interested in photography? College

What's your favorite project you've done so far? The photo camp group portraits are always a blast.

Are you working on anything specific right now? I'm headed to Bulgaria next week to participate in a photo convention called Photovacation, where I will judge an art competition, showcase work in an exhibition, and create a new photo collaboration as a workshop alongside Lauren Randolph.

Have you worked with any magazines, websites, or brands our readers might know? Mcdonald's, TIME Magazine, Kawasaki, Entertainment Weekly, Leo Burnett, Kellogg's, and Men's Journal.

What do you hope to accomplish in the future? To continue pushing myself creatively, through both personal and commercial work

View his website
Follow him on Twitter and Tumblr

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