Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bend it don't break it- Nokia's Flexible Cell Phone

Going by the name of "Kinetic Device", Nokia has figured out a way to make a cell phone with a bendable screen, enabling the user to control the phone by manipulating the way you twist and turn it.

By the looks of it, seems as if they moved away from the pinch-to-zoom function that most smartphones have. Instead the zoom function is controlled by the twisting of the device.

Nokia also touted about the advantages of using this phone even when not looking. i.e.. bending the phone while it's in your pocket to change a song or ignore a phone call. Very convenient.

The bending capabilities have many thinking this would be a great phone for the blind. Couldn't argue more with the way the interface appears to be set up. The strong bundles of carbon nanotubes have also definitely made this device durable.

Nokia didn't mention when they would release the "Kinetic Device", but hopefully soon, maybe even in time for Christmas. (cue wish list)

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