Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Lucky Break for Blue, the Pup

Blue, the alleged escapee

Blue, the dog, was sentenced to death last fall after he bit a toddler.  He has been held at the Albany Pet Hospital,  in Albany, Oregon, since his sentencing.  However, since Blue has been locked away, his owner has been pining and fighting to appeal what he believes is an unfair sentencing.  However, drama rocked Blue's pending case on Monday morning, when Blue was announced to be missing from the Pet Hospital.  Albany police Lt. Casey Dorland believes that someone climbed the fence of the pet hotel, smashed a window, and helped Blue escape doggy death row.

The Albany Pet Hotel finds themselves in hot water as they're forced to explain the escape of Blue
So, who saved Blue from his unfortunate fate?  Was it his owner?  Is Blue's freedom putting more innocent children in danger?  Or is it a lucky break for a cute pup who once made a mistake?  Let us know what you think as we wait to hear the story develop!

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