Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Jessica Quirk: What I Wore

Meet Jessica Quirk!  This 28 year-old lives in Bloomington, IN, but has a style that would impress anyone in LA!  She's the founder of the popular fashion blog What I Wore and has experienced so much success with it that she even released her first book, What I Wore: Four Seasons, One Closet, Endless Recipes for Personal Style, this past summer.  She's been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Marie Claire, CNN, Glamour, Lucky, Seventeen, and the New York Post.  WadidoLA sat down with Jessica to talk fashion, blogging, and her plans for the the future!  

WLA: When did you first start What I Wore? 
JQ: I started taking daily outfit photos on May 5, 2007, and started my blog the following spring!

WLA: What first got you interested in fashion blogging? 
JQ: More than blogging, I just loving having a visual history of my life. I can look back at almost any photo and tell you what I did that day, what was on my mind, etc. 

WLA: Where do you get most of your fashion inspiration? 
JQ: Everywhere! It could be from film or a trip to the vintage store. The important thing is to always be looking! 

WLA: What are your favorite places to shop? 
JQ: Lately it's been vintage shops in my area and J.Crew!

WLA: How do you come up with such different, stylish outfits everyday? 
JQ: If I get an idea while I'm out and about, I jot it down in a notebook. At home -  I play dress up all the time!

WLA: Do you ever just have a "I'm lazy and want to wear sweatpants" day like the rest of us? 
JQ: Absolutely! I only photograph 5 days a week, so it gives me a little leeway to wear a basic jeans-and-teeshirt outfit when I'm not feeling like having my picture taken.

WLA: What's the coolest opportunity that you've seen come from your blog? 
JQ: I just returned from a three day trip to Barcelona that was part of a six week campaign with MNG for MANGO exclusively at J.C. Penney - it was amazing!  I also collaborated with LOFT this past October to design a bracelet to benefit the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. 

WLA: Why'd you decide to write a book?   
JQ: There are certain questions women always want to know in regards to their wardrobe - what basics everyone should have, to what to wear to a wedding.  I decided to answer them all in one place! I also love illustrating and the book was a huge opportunity to showcase my work.

WLA: Any tips for fellow fashion bloggers hoping to make it big? 
JQ: The most important thing is to be the best 'you' possible. Write about what you love, photograph what you love, and pay no attention to whether it's a trend or not. 

Make sure you check out What I Wore, like it on Facebook, and follow Jessica on Twitter!

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