Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Party Story: Falling is a [expletive]

For some reason or another, at every party I go to I always end up on the floor for some reason or another and it is total B.S.. Here I am half past drunk as [expletive] trying to get the hottest girl I can find to put her hot [expletive] on me to the rhythm of the beat. But I fell like I'm shooting myself in the foot if my first words to her are "Hey, can you help me off the floor, I seemed to have slipped in some alcoholic beverage/another partier's vomit".

To put it short slipping and falling is a [expletive], and I mean that!

Lets not forget those times I go to get a number to hook up later and I drop my phone and the battery pops out. Pictured above, so for the next 10-20 minutes, I'm the token drunk trying to figure out the complex puzzle of piecing my phone back together. Shietzer!

However the times that I have found myself on the floor I have realized how great of a spot it is to  check out [expletive], I mean those dresses get shorter every week. lol Love em!

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