Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tips for tip top spring break shape

With Spring Break just around the corner, here's some help to get you in tip-top shape. Cheers to the best spring break to come!

1. Cleanse
Being at your healthiest is one way to guarantee you'll have a great trip. Being sick in paradise is just not fun. Try substituting high-calorie drinks with water and hydrate often. Water is healthier and helps sustain hunger between meals. You may seem hungry when in fact you're dehydrated. Cutting out pop, energy drinks, and alcohol will reduce the amount of sugar, calorie, and carbohydrate intake significantly. If you're a coffee drinker, try the "skinny" version of your favorite drink, or simply use fat free milk. If you're up to the challenge, drink green tea instead, which has natural caffeine and helps rid your body of toxins.

2. Stop yourself from grazing
Snacking in-between meals can add up at the end of the day. This is a common habit to have, but can be stopped with a little discipline. Pick an activity to do whenever you feel like having a snack. Examples could be going to the gym or working ahead in your classes. Have a "to do" list handy wherever you are to enable yourself to be more productive on a daily basis. Eating five small meals a day will increase your metabolism, and help burn more calories.

3. Stop impulse eating
Eating based on impulse can lead to large addition of calories everyday. You may find limitations on what food to eat while between classes or at work. Packing a snack or lunch can enable you to eat healthy at any time in the day and will prevent your hungry from getting the best of you. This also allows you to control what you are eating at all times. Examples for good snacks throughout the day include fruit, nuts, and foods high in protein such as cheese.

4. Make time for exercise
Give yourself at least 30 minutes a day to exercise. Establishing a daily time to work out will create a routine and make exercising easier. The hardest part is tying your shoes and starting your work out. Find a friend who can join you at the gym or take advantage of the free classes offered by your Rec center. Use this time to focus and pay attention to yourself. You'll be flying from the extra endorphins stemming from your work out. It will pay off when you're on the beach, too!

5. Sleep
Colds are very common on college campuses from the close proximity of so many people in one area. Sleep is the only time your body is able to recover from the constant drain of daily activities. Being efficient throughout the entire day will enable you to get the recommended 8 hours of sleep that will keep you healthy. Limiting the time you spend out drinking the weekend before Spring Break will help your immune system function at it's strongest. Spring Break is filled with large amounts of alcohol, strong sun, and little rest. Preparation is key to surviving the crazy vacation.

6. Don't sweat the small stuff!
Preparing ahead of time will allow you enjoy the entire trip. Packing and printing out necessary information, such as hotel reservations and plane tickets, will help you travel with a relaxed attitude. Planning transportation from the airport to hotel is also key. Most resorts have methods of transportation for guests flying to their destination. Calling ahead can help you and your friends save money!

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