Sunday, April 24, 2011

Theme Party
When getting ready for a party, we all tend to reach for the same three outfits: our cute mini skirts, our fav jeans, and that crazy top that your best friend got you that you swore you would never wear, but always find yourself in. However, the biggest problem with our habitual-outfit-choosing, is the fact that nobody wants to be an outfit repeater. Yes, unfortunately we all fall into this category at one point or another (unless some of you are billionaires or the children of Dolce and Gabana). The solution to said problem? Easy. THEMED PARTIES! Yes, thats right, browse right over that little black dress and grab the hula skirt that you wore to your sixth grade luau or those go-go boots that you bought while under the influence (of both alcohol and that weird great aunt of yours).There is no better excuse to wear the ugly Christmas sweaters knitted for you by ol' grandma, or that hockey jersey that your brother left at your house. Not only do themed parties do the trick when it comes to outfit choice, but they also create a totally different atmosphere that is perfect for all your partying needs. Why go back to the same frat parties with guys dressed in their Levi's and FratHard tee's; instead venture into an place where you could be someone totally obscure. As Marilyn Monroe says: "imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." Following the words of the greatest partier around, I say themed parties are the way to go. (opinion by Wadido Wendy)

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