Sunday, May 15, 2011

BIke Week LA 2011

Monday, May 16th, is the start of Bike Week LA 2011. For the 17th year in a row, Metro is working with organizers in the community to celebrate everything bike-related. There are many benefits to riding a bike instead of other forms of transportation, like less impact on the environment, it's much healthier since it's incredible exercise, and the insurmountable fun it is. So get out and jump on your bike this week!

  • Monday, May 16 - Kick-off event at North Hollywood Station at 8:30 am
  • Tuesday, May 17 - Blessing of the Bicycles at the Good Samaritan Hospital - begins at 8 am. For more information go to
  • Wednesday, May 18 - Downtown LA Bike Ride. Meet at Union Station on Alameda Street and ride through Downtown with other bike enthusiasts. Congregate at 8:00 am and the ride will leave at 8:30. Route map.
  • Thursday, May 19 - Bike to Work Day. Visit pit stops from 6 to 9 am, take free rides on transit. Click for a map of event locations.
  • Friday, May 20 - Bike to School Day – Support your local school!

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