Saturday, May 21, 2011

Poetry LA: MondoThePoet

by MondoThePoet

The other day,I smelt a cigarette and thought of you
I'm thinking about patching a nicotine patch to my heart to attach the brokenness
I fiend for you
I tried quitting you but my addiction has me running back to you
The inhale of you... Is piercing to my lungs my tongue
I can taste you
They say cigarette smokers aren't addicted to the smoking but the finger to lip touch
I concur, I miss when our lips touch.
I tried the replacements
I tried the chewing gum, but my jaw opening and closing
Tongue moving in motions is the exact replication
Of you in my mouth... When your coming. I can still hear you moaning
Why am i lonely?
Give me your body to suck on.
In front of friends I will breathe you out openly
Doctors say, your bad for me, but what do they know
Every drug is bad for you, but just like an addict...
I will use you to death
A white cloud of you will be my last breath,I want to die with you
Waking up in cold sweats
I'm going through withdraw... shaking shivering
Warm me with your lips
A warm kiss from your nicotine lips
My lungs will never be mine again
I breathe for you
Each breath for you... For you... For you to be with you
Fuck Rehab, I'm addicted to you
Just wish, I was a cigarette to you

Follow him on Twitter! @MondoThePoet

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