Thursday, October 6, 2011

Facebook Review

Meet someone, remember their name, go home, pull up Facebook, and search them.. The classic Facebook review is now underway.

 The next thing you do is check to see if you can search their photos without asking permission by adding them as a friend. And, if they don’t have the privacy lock, then the next five minutes its occupied by you investigating all 1,428 photos just so you can reevaluate your vision/perception of that person.

You may have seen something that turned your vision of them around 180 degrees for better or for worse. You could have sabotaged your own good time with the way you spent that five minutes, especially if you’ve previously been enjoying that person's company or conversation, either in person or over text. All it takes is two unflattering photos back-to-back and you could be totally turned off. Don’t do this to your self. You're ruining your own good time. Because of you, people like me have to have their Facebook scientifically ready for such events. Tagged photos are locked. Only ten profile pictures. Nothing too exciting, so when it's Facebook reviewed, you leave with the most neutral of feelings and knowing the same thing about the person that you already knew. Facebook review for good not evil. Similar to Facebook stalking. Have at it.(op 6/11/11)

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