Monday, June 6, 2011

Handcuffs for Perps and Bikes

Something happened when I was on my way to lunch the other day that made me realize, it's really serious out here! I was minding my own business, when my eyes met this weird bike lock that, at first glance, looked like handcuffs. My first thought was "Wow, those are really handcuffs on a bike!" which was followed by my second thought, "That's cool! If I had a serviceable bike I would have to have that." This innovative design pretty much makes it the bike lock of all bike locks! What other bike lock tells people you're a BAMF just by looking at it?

I'm sure when Masterlock designed this specialty item, though, they thought: what if someone were to use these handcuffs in other ways than just locking their bike? Hopefully the multiple sets of keys and warning signs that, I'm hoping, come in the package take care of any problems that would come about from this brilliant idea. Anyways, to get back to the point of this post, after a little bit of research, I found out that this humorous bike lock is called STREET CUFFS. Go get them; they would make a perfect Fathers Day gift! They start at about $35 on Amazon, so it's not even breaking your bank! You might want to make sure your dad has a bike first though....and if not, buy him one! Why not? He's worth it!

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