WLA: How did you know you wanted to become a writer?
Nick: I’ve wanted to be a writer my entire life. I got more serious with it when I studied English in college. But, I suppose I’m really just an aspiring writer until my novel is published and available in the marketplace. Until then, I’m just a guy floating in writer-limbo.
WLA: Why'd you decide to start a blog?
Nick: I’d had written all these short stories and they were just sitting on my hard drive. A couple years later, I started writing the first chapter of my first novel. I was looking for a place to post my work and connect with readers. I created a Tumblr after a close friend suggested it would be a good place to start.
WLA: What sort of projects did you work on before writing your book?
Nick: Everything-- music videos, commercials, shorts, etc. My role in these projects always revolved around writing of some sort. Incidentally, it was the one aspect I enjoyed most.
WLA: Your first novel, Isn't It Pretty to Think So?, is due out in November. Can you tell us a little bit about the plot line?
Nick: Since I was a teenager I had been writing stories with the same protagonist. But, it wasn’t until after college, when I lived in a house with five other roommates on Sunset Blvd, that I had the right story for a novel. I met a lot of interesting people and found myself in odd situations living in this type of environment. I was constantly observing those around me. It was bad for the health but good for the writing. My novel draws heavily from my experiences in Los Angeles.
WLA: How'd you come up with the title?
Nick: When I was a very young boy, my father had every Hemingway book ever written in his bookshelf, and, often, I would see him reading one of them. He bought me a first-edition copy of The Old Man and The Sea for Christmas, and, although I wasn’t old enough to understand it, I considered it one of my most prized possessions. When I got a little older I started reading The Nick Adams Stories. In college, when I was studying English, I took a class on 20th century literature and one of the books we studied was The Sun Also Rises. I wrote an entire paper on the last line of that novel—”Isn’t it pretty to think so?”—because I was fascinated by the feeling it gave me. So, I guess my title is an homage to both the writer who got me into reading, and the wonderful last line in one of his greatest novels.
WadidoLA wants to thank Nick for taking the time to talk to us and we can't wait to read Isn't It Pretty to Think So? Check out Nick's Tumblr, where he posted the first chapter and excerpts of the book.
Like Nick on Facebook and follow him on Twitter for updates and information on how to reserve a copy of this sure-to-be quick seller!
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