Tuesday, October 11, 2011

California Girls

 Katy Perry sings our praises in her hit single, the beach boys wished “they all could be California girls,” and let’s face it, who wouldn’t want to be a girl living in The Golden State? But are California girls really what we’ve been made out to be? We are known for having sun-kissed skin, bleach-blonde hair, and the ability to effortlessly rock a bikini. It seems like a pretty good rep to have right? But here’s the hard part: keeping up with the reputation. 

Just the other day I was skyping with a friend when she overheard my roommate proclaim the wildly overused line: “omg I’m so fat.” My friend I was skyping with attends school in Missouri, and immediately responded, “oh you California girls, hating on your bodies because you’re always in a bikini.” I was pretty much caught off guard, I mean, I had never been pitied for being a California girl.

But let’s think about it for a second, if you were to Google image the phrase “California girl,” (ignoring all the pictures of Katy Perry) you would immediately be bombarded by a myriad of images featuring tan skinned, flowy haired, and of course, bikini-clad girls. We figure that’s what we should look like, but guys, it’s the middle of October! Pretty much everywhere else in the country, women are revisiting their heavy sweaters, comfy pants, and getting ready for the winter. But take a trip to the pacific coast and half of us are putting in extra time at the gym while the other half are trying to find a way to maintain that summer tan… in the winter!

Don’t get me wrong, I love a sunny day at the beach, and I definitely do wear a bikini, but at the same time, we’ve got to give ourselves a break sometimes! I’m not saying dye your hair black and never set foot in the gym again, but even if it’s a typical California day in the middle of November, I bet you can find an excuse to uncover your favorite pair of sweats. It’s not a crime to relax for a second and pretend like it’s winter outside. Just remember, at the end of the day, you’re still a girl living in California, and what could be better than that?

Attie Harris (@attieharris)

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