Thursday, October 13, 2011

Tumbr's you need to check out now

Tumblr is the fastest growing new social media site, and it's appeal is obvious.  Who doesn't like endless scrolling through pictures, celebrities, quotes, and comedy?  You can find a Tumblr for anything and everything you're interested in, but WadidoLA has compiled a list of some of our favorites for you to check out!

With over a million followers, the awesomeness of The Classy Issue needs no explanation.  It's swagtastic, full of scantily-clad girls, and definitely a must-check every day.

Quotes, photography, and images of celebrities complemented by a simple black background.


Very well put together blog about chasing things other than boys, like dreams and such.

For lovers of all things cute, these adorable pups will melt your heart.

The epitome of hip style, this Tumblr really is boss!

With every street style photograph better than the next, this is your one-stop-spot for outfit inspiration.

We've featured Johnny Lace's photography on WadidoLA before, and there's no doubt his Tumblr is just as awesome as his photography!

I Can Read specializes in the insertion of cute quotes in pretty text pasted over beautiful photographs.  In a way, it's the best of all worlds!

STFU is a compilation of hilarious Facebook wall posts and status updates, most making fun of the ridiculous things couples do on Facebook.

Avant-garde and weird photography is JUST_MONK3Y's forte.

Combine Twitter's @FirstWorldPains and @WhiteGrlProblem, convert it to Tumblr, and you get White Whine: a collection of hilarious and ridiculous problems that you'll definitely be able to relate to.

The pick-er-upper of blogs, Karlyisms is usually just the thing to help you along your day.

Didn't see you Tumblr here?

Let us know @WadidoLA

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