Thursday, October 27, 2011


If you need to work on your six pack - turn on an episode of Comedy Central’s Workaholics. Death by laughter. I heard about the show a couple of weeks ago when hanging out with two male friends of mine. They kept saying these absurd one liners I assumed were inside jokes until I finally had to ask what the fuck they were talking about… Workaholics. The next night, I was at my friend Tess’ apartment getting ready to go out, when I start watching this show that’s on her television. It was hilarious. Nutty. Witty. Slightly campy. But it killed me, I was laughing so hard. Finally, I asked her what the fuck she was watching. Her reply: “Workaholics! Duh. You haven’t seen this?” - Apparently I had somehow missed the memo after Workaholics’ first season. And thus, my obsession was born.

Airing on Tuesday nights after Tosh.0, Workaholics is a real treat. It’s relatable in the sense that the three main characters - Blake, Anders, and Adam- are twenty-somethings recently out of college with minor drinking problems. Sorry for partying. And they don’t let work interfere with their alcoholism lifestyle. Being me, one of my favorite aspects is that all of them are somewhat attractive, but not exactly datable. Adam needs to grow about a foot and lose the insecurity issues. Ders needs to tone down the douche dial and maybe take a valium or something. Blake needs to cut his hair - the fro needs to go, bro… But none of that matters because they’re so fucking funny. I die. I seriously die. I still haven’t even seen season 1 yet.

So many LOL’s. So many.

Alex Sautter (@calexifornia)

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