Friday, November 18, 2011

How to Survive Black Friday

If you're like the rest of America, the fateful day of shopping, Black Friday, conjures up images of fantastic deals and prices so low they're a steal, yes, but also long lines, stumbling out of bed as early as three a.m., crowded stores, annoyed employees, hot crowds, and that employee who got trampled last year at Walmart.  Making a successful and enjoyable experience out of Black Friday is truly an art.  Luckily, WadidoLA has some tips.

1.  The early bird really does get the worm.  These early bird sales exist for a reason.  Yes, the store is likely to still be busy even at this ungodly hour.  Yes, you have to drag yourself out of bed after only a couple hours of sleep.  Maybe you didn't even go to sleep if that's your style.  But, hitting the sales early assures that you will get the best deals and that the merchandise won't be picked over.  By mid-afternoon, so many people will have come through the store that all the good merchandise is gone, and many stores raise their prices as the day goes on.

2.  Make sure your attire, especially your outerwear, is easy to get on and off.  This is definitely aimed more towards our readers from colder states.  Going from almost freezing temperatures to an overly-air conditioned, crowded store will take you from shivering to dripping sweat in a matter of seconds.  There is no worse feeling.  So, make sure to wear layers that can easily and quickly be removed and put back on.  We promise, it will make all the difference.

3.  Bring a water bottle.  And hey, if you're the snacking type, bring a snack.  With all the rushing around, trying on, and shouting over people just to be heard, you're going to be thirsty.  And you're going to be so happy you thought ahead to bring a water instead of having to wait in another long line to buy one.  Moreover, if you know you're going to be hungry in a few hours, bring a quick snack. There's nothing worse than being crabby when you're out shopping because you're so hungry.

4.  Plan ahead of time where you want to visit and what you want to buy.  This will stop you from making impulse purchases simply just because something was on sale.  In the long run, this is still spending money on something you didn't need.  And, you'll save time that would have been spent wandering around the shopping center wondering where to go next.

With these quick and easy couple of tips, WadidoLA hopes your Black Friday gets off to a great start!

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