Monday, January 2, 2012

RANT: New Year's Eve

The best emotional holiday. Reflecting back on those cherished memories is an amazing feeling! Being around your true friends, family and that special someone is truly the the most incredible way to sum up the year. If you didn’t like the past year, there’s a new year coming! Make the best of it, be productive and live life to its very fullest. We get to start fresh, make new year resolutions and meet new people!

Make wonderful, new memories<3 Its so exciting! Make this new year a great one. Don’t waste time, get out of your comfort zone and do new things! I am so grateful for 2011 because I’ve gone through so much and learned many thing’s, good or bad they were great experiences. Now its time to start fresh! I will get my new years resolutions done this new year, and I encourage everyone to make your own resolutions because you get to learn new things about yourself.

 So lets make 2012 an amazing year and please be safe with what ever you’re doing New Years Eve weekend, have fun and make this last day of 2011 the best!

Kelly RaeLynn (@KellyRaeLynn

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