Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentine's Day: What's not to love?

When it comes to the 14th of February, or St. Valentine’s Day, as it is more fondly known, there are usually two distinct perspectives that are played out.

Firstly, you’ve got those who are coupled up and proceed to utilize such a day to illustrate the immeasurable. That is, these pairings engage in proving their love for one another in the form of flowers, chocolates, furry animals adorned in love messages and various other materialistic tendencies.
Secondly, you’ve got the ‘singledooms’, the alternative perspective that I’ve affectionately dubbed. These ‘singledooms’ are mainly identified preceding St. Valentine’s Day and are probably overheard exclaiming such remarks as ‘it’s such a stupid day! I don’t believe in it!’ or ‘I hate Valentine’s Day!’ whilst simultaneously harnessing a single status.

 However, given these common perspectives, there is no ‘correct’ way to spend Valentine’s Day, nor should there have to be bitterness associated with such a day due to you being without a significant other. In fact, the history behind Valentine’s Day denotes the exceptional passion and excitement that this certain day should undertake. Nevertheless, some still find it hard to shake off the ‘Valentine’s Day funk’ and so I present to you a collection of ideas for how you could spend your Valentine’s Day…

1. Spend the day with your family, pets, friends, etc. Anyone you love. It doesn’t have to be one person in particular. Perhaps invite them all over for dinner whilst telling each other (casually) how much you appreciate them in your life. I stress on the casual part because you could come off sounding like you’re on your last legs given the spur of the moment get together.

2. Spend it with yourself. Spend it doing what you absolutely love to do. Call into work sick if you have to and create your own personal public holiday.

3. Get caught up in the materialism of the day and give back to the marketing companies by decking your friends out those furry animals, cards and roses (keep the chocolates for yourself).

4. And if all else fails and nothing seems more appealing: hit the gym and then get drunk with friends. Love promotes endorphins but so does a good workout and alcohol. And that’s probably what I’ll be doing.

Simone Frysteen 

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