Monday, May 30, 2011

Beautiful Doesn't Have a Size Requirement

I was riding the train this morning and I was sitting next to a younger girl dressed very nicely. She was voluptuous, like myself. She must of been in her early 20's and very well put together. I complimented her on her dress and she replied "Girl, I wear dresses because I look the skinniest in them". I smiled and said "No matter what you wear, you are still gorgeous." Her response was "If I looked like you, maybe.."

She smiled and proceeded to talk to me about fashion, shopping and other girly things. Mind you, this girl was exactly what I called her, gorgeous. After she got off her train stop I started to think to myself. Since when did voluptuous women start to think that they WEREN'T beautiful? OH that's right, Society tells us this.

If you're skinny, you need to gain more weight. If you're thick, you need to tone up. If you're heavier than expected to be, you need to lose weight. Well, guess what? Not every plus sized woman in America stuffs their face with Mc Donald's or doesn't know how to exercise. So stop with the assumptions. We are just fuller voluptuous women! We fall in our own category because we ARE different in size not species. We are still human and the last time I checked beautiful doesn't have a size requirement.

It's bad enough that we criticize ourselves. Now society does it too? No thanks. We (women) look at ourselves everyday in the mirror. Trust me when I tell you that we know what we see and what we wish we could change. That's only normal. Like Marilyn Monroe said, "Imperfections is beauty.."

To sum this all up know that no matter what you look like, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

That's all.

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