Sunday, July 17, 2011

Death From 2nd-Hand Texting

(REPOST: originally posted 5/9/2011)
Over the pass ten years, as the popularity of cell phones have gone up, the number one new danger presented is driving while on the phone. This problem ensued hundreds of public service announcements and social change campaigns to raise awareness about the dangers of driving while on the phone. Systemmatically, as parents began buying their teenagers cellphones too, this problem changed.

 Kids became obsessed with texting their friends throughout the day and multitasking in order to do so. so, when these kids grew up, took their driving tests, set Facebook status' celebrating their new license, and then scooted down the road, reveling in their new-found passage of freedom, came a catastrophe of mass proportions.  When a driver has 40% on their attention on driving, and the remaining 60% on waiting for that next text, it's only a matter of time until there's a major slip-up.  Most drivers who text and drive admit full understanding of the dangers and consequences of driving while texting; they heard it at the DMV, they were nagged about it by their mothers, and they've seen the comical road signs.  However, the dangers have surpassed the drivers.  Numbers have trippled from this time last year of people affected by 2nd-hand texting.

The same rules of second-hand smoking pretty much apply to second-hand texting. Even though the passenger is obeying all the rules of the road, head against the head-rest and seat belt on, he or she can still be fatally affected by the driver who is  texting three people and sending tweets at every light. 2nd-hand texting is a serious matter; it can affect those in the car and in the immediate area. Even fellow drivers on the road can be effected by 2nd-hand texting. Ever been at a light that has just turned green but the car in front of you has failed to pull off before you are forced to give a curtesy honk to stop texting and pull off? Yeah, you've been affected. Even after you switched lanes, sped up to the texter, and gave them a dirty look to shame them, they probably continued to text. The bottom line is that 2nd-hand texting kills!  Only you can stop the advancement of this epidemic.

Ways to avoid texting while driving:
  • Pull to the side of the road
  • Have one of your passengers text for you
  • Ignore it (Believe me, it can wait)

Before DWT

After DWT

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