Saturday, July 16, 2011

Swag in seconds!

Do you ever walk out your house worrying what people will think about the way you look? Do you only listen to the songs your friends listen to? Do you hide your feelings a lot? Well, I think you should stop right there! You don’t live to please people, you live to please yourself, and only what YOU think matters.

Say someone asks you ‘’Why are you wearing those shoes with that outfit?’’ DON’T back down and say "Sorry" or change them, and DON’T start an argument about it, but DO reply with another question which puts them on the spot, like ‘’Why are you so interested?’’ This way you aren’t being rude or feeling bad about yourself. Win!

Remember, everyone has different fashion senses, styles, music tastes, etc, which is what makes us all unique. So why should people feel like they have to tell you what to like and dislike? Yes, you’ll have some haters and some fans in your life, but that’s just the way life goes. You have to accept it and live your life your way. This is where your swag comes in. Swag is when you be yourself, no matter what the rules say, and people love and hate you for who you are!

People only make you feel bad about yourself because they are insecure and don’t want to show it. But why should you care what these people say or think? It’s your life and your body that you’re living in, so don't listen to them, and do what you think is right.

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