Tuesday, June 28, 2011

African-American Men Are Not All The Same

source: Jaci Berkopec

Melanie Shaw 
The majority of young African-American women constantly complain about young black men. Most African-American women will agree that black men are all the same. If not only just black men, then the entire male species can be accountable for mistreating black women and feeding into their bitterness. Black men are dogs, cheaters, indolent, jobless, players, and sexually driven animals. But how can African-American women point the finger to men and play the blame-game if they themselves are portrayed through the media as promiscuous beings. Not only has the media painted pictures of distasteful images of African-American women, showing them as money hungry, party animals, as well as sex symbols, but the everyday actions and behaviors that black women acquire does not prove false representations of African-American females wrong.

The majority of African-American women between ages 18-21 make up for the greater number of party goers that attend locally promoted events similarly titled to, Bros Before Hoes or Ballers and Bitches. I ask, how can a black woman complain about the greater part of African-American men being worthless or no good, if they constantly drown themselves deeper and deeper into a plethora of young black men that attend weekend events such as these? Here are the women that give African-American men a bad reputation and humiliate their name. At these parties, if not every young lady, but the great majority is seen in revealing tawdry apparel. Most of these girls carry themselves without respect and are quick to spread their legs for the first [expletive] to even notice them. But this behavior is not entirely their fault. Loose sexuality comes from insecurity, and these women are suffering from insecurity because the majority of these men that they take home will never be Prince Charming. They will only be a Penis, that is only there to fill a portion of that insecurity for 2.5 seconds.

Not every black man is lazy.  And not every black man is jobless or a cheater. Black women constantly complain that all black men are the same, but that is because they are consistently choosing similar types of men for their companions. You will not find a hard working black man if you are always going out every single weekend half-dressed with your home girls to the club. Carry self-worth and self-respect and worth and respect is what you will receive. African-American women complain about black men being uneducated or jobless, when we see young black women dropping out of school or getting pregnant young from left to right. Black men are not the problem. The conflict between black men and women can only be solved if African-American men and women work on their problems individually. Not being able to point the finger is the hard part. Accepting that all black men are not the same is just the first step on a long journey in recovering the black males name.


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