Friday, October 28, 2011

#LAgirl: Lollie

Meet Lollie. She's a 20 year old currently living in Cairns (pronounced kenz), a city in Australia. Lollie recently earned a degree in Business Administration/Accounting and will start studying Psychology and Couselling. Along with the degree in Beauty Therapy that she has had since she was 17 years old, she wishes to use that degree in Psychology to one day to become a Psychologist so she can work with abused and neglected children. 

Lollie currently works as a Finance Officer at an Indigenous Centre. She places a large emphasis on working with an indigenous organization because she herself is indigenous(Aboriginal). As a person Lollie is a very deep thinker, and loves to look for deeper meanings as well as understandings. She loves rap or as she calls it "poetry with attitude". And Lollie definitely loves to party when the time is right. She considers herself nocturnal when it comes to the weekends, which is understandable concidering she is cooped up in an office 5 days out of the week. Other than that Lollie just lives her life and runs one of the coolest blogs around. 

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