Thursday, June 2, 2011

Are You In It To Win It This Summer?

Are you having Trouble deciding what to wear this summer? Or What’s “In” and What’s “Out” This season? Well Let me tell you some quick and easy styles that are sure to keep all eyes on you and will have all your girlfriends asking you where you shop. 

by Carmen Lopez 
Fashion is all about being comfortable while expressing your individual sense of style and flair. Fashion, though, as many of us already know, isn’t cheap So, I’m here to help you put your look together without making yourself so broke that you can’t even afford to go anywhere in your bomb new outfit! We all sometimes have to make sacrifices when it comes to comfort, and fashion and comfort, as many already know, don’t always walk hand in hand. When it comes to fashion, personally, I will happily sacrifice my comfort for a great pair of heels. The higher the better, the thinner the heel the better, and the slimmer the platform the better! Stilettos have a way of giving even the trashiest of women a look of class. A good change of shoe can transition an outfit smoothly from a day look, to a sparkling evening one. So, heels are at the top of the list!


For all my ladies who love to mix red with cheetah print, or black and white with a splash of color, this shoe was made for you! These are 5 inch, red glittered pumps by “Ellie Shoes” and can be found on These shoes turned out to be the best 50 dollars I’ve ever spent! They're fun and flirty while also being edgy and cool. These shoes will give your little black dress the flair it needs to stand out from the hoards of other girls in their own versions of the little black dress. Not to mention, you can create a multitude of looks by drawing inspiration from the shoes! is also a great place to get your basic pump for cheap in almost any color.

Next on the List has to be Dresses. Dresses are a really great way to be comfortable while also looking cute. They're easy to throw on over bathing suits and other beach attire. This summer, I feel floral and layers are the only ways to go. I’ve always felt that the bohemian look is here to stay. The look is classic and intriguing, yet fashion is meant to be played with, so make sure when you open your closet, you have some sort of variation in color. Live your life LOUDLY; any other way is pointless and a waste.

For all the girls who like to Sparkle.

 For all the Girls who look for adventure.

 For that perfect First Lunch date

Now, this isn’t a dress, but it’s definitely a must-have in my wardrobe. Fashion is all about the pieces you put together, not the labels that are on the inside, since no one can see thoseanyway. So, go thrift store hunting and look for old vintage pieces like high-waist jeans. If you're feeling creative, take it to the next step and shred them with a steak knife and some scissors. The more ‘one of a kind’ the item of clothing is, the better it is in my opinion! All these featured items can be found and purchased at

Last, but certainly not least, are my favorite dresses: maxi dresses. Fun, flirty, feminine, colorful, and above all, comfortable, These grab and go dresses are this summer’s new best friend. Throw on sandals for lunch with the girls or a sunset stroll on the beach with your boo, or throw on a strappy stiletto for an elegant dinner with his parents or a classy birthday dinner with friends. Whatever the occasion, I’m certain that you can find the perfect maxi dress that fits your personal style and makes you feel the best you’ve looked in a long time.

Never forget, style isn’t about how much you spend, or where you bought your clothes. It’s about how you put it all together and the individual way in which you rock it. Every one is different, and there is no right or wrong way to wear what you love. Never let anyone tell you otherwise, no matter whom they are or what they think they know. Never ever forget that the sexiest thing anyone can wear is confidence. So, remember how beautiful, smart, creative, talented and fashionable you truly are. I hope this summer is filled with beautiful colors, good friends, great times and hot fashions.

Let me know what you think in the comment box!

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