Sunday, June 12, 2011

Easy Doesn't Make You Grow

"The mistakes you make are as important as the success in your life."

"If you keep looking back at your experiences, and thinking about what you've learned, there will be no regret in what you've done."

by Pinay Cheex (@pinaycheex)
These are a few lines I read today and they made me think. Easy doesn't make you grow. Yes, that's very true, considering the fact that a lot of human beings receive everything, and I mean absolutely everything, they want, materially at least. However, even though materially things are simply handed to them, they've still got to rely on themselves to make certain decisions and choices. If everything was that easy in life, we wouldn't be able to grow mentally and find out who we actually are. We would stagnate, or, let's say we'd exist without going any further or moving onto the next step. That's why difficulties and problems make us think and make us look deep into ourselves to see what's going on, because no one but you, yourself, can make the decision for the next step, whether it is going to make more problems, or get you out of the maze of problems you are in. Problems make you grow, because they make you think, in some cases, even force you to make a decision. A thought may count, but actions reveal way more.

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