Sunday, June 12, 2011

iPhone IOS5

Summertime is here and in true LA fashion, the shopping bug is in the air. The name of the game is exclusivity, so we know that this is what everyone on #TeamIphone has been waiting for (along with ongoing speculation about the iPhone 5)

Apple has officially announced their latest and greatest operating system to date for their fleet of ultra popular devices, IOS 5. This new technology will be compatible with the iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPod Touch 3rd Gen, iPad, and iPad 2 and comes with a full list of new features.
What caught our eye the most was the new notification system and the new iMessage.

The new notification system allows you to get notices for apps, games, text messages, emails etc all in one place, rather than an intrusive and very annoying message which comes across your screen and interrupts your current activity. The notification system is also available from the lockscreen for quick and easy access.

Saving the best for last, iMessage. iMessage most simply explained is blackberry messenger for the IOS devices. My take is that this is a long overdue move by Apple to try and really separate themselves from the blackberry devices. Blackberry Messenger, better known as BBM, has been the one thing the iPhone has always been missing, the reason that people stay with #teamblackberry as opposed to #teamiPhone.

For a more detailed description of the features follow the link http://http//

Let us know what you think about this by leaving a comment or drop a line on our twitter. @wadidoLA....#teamiPhone vs #teamBlackberry

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