Friday, June 3, 2011

HypLAnd Clothing

You know, it's funny how life happens. A few weeks back, I heard about HypLAnd and thought it was pretty cool. Since then, their logo has really stuck with me. So, I really wanted to find some time to look them up and see what they have to offer. Basically, to really see if they're a GO or not. I guess that plan fell to procrastination, because before I could, I was sitting in the barbershop and in walks this guy wearing a HypLAnd hoodie. He immediately got the "respect" head-nod for that. After a few Google searches on HypLAnd on my Blackberry, I pretty much came to the conclusion that HypLAnd is definitely a GO! Not trying to "hype" them up though , I'll be chill about it (lol). Check them out!

Twitter: @HypLAnd
Facebook: Click Here

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