Thursday, June 2, 2011

Twit Happens: Anthony Weiner

Last week, on New York Congressman Anthony Weiner's Twitter account, a lewd and fairly obscene photo of a man's bulging underpants was sent to a 21-year-old college student in Seattle. It was quickly deleted after being sent, but you must remember that it is the internet, so the damage was already done. It was meant to be sent as a DM (direct message), but instead was sent out as a tweet for his 50,000+ followers to see. Since then, it's been all over the Internet and talk show circuit. Weiner later reported that his Twitter account was hacked and dismissed the episode as a prank; he even went as far as to hire a lawyer.

Instead, he should have contacted us. As the intelligent and quick-thinking minds behind Wadido LA, we would have given him the perfect statement to release:

"This is all a misunderstanding. The assumptions brought forward are true, but the dirty and unjust nature of them are not. Yes, I took the picture, but in no means did I intend for it to be tweeted nor directly messaged to anyone. The truth is, I took the picture of my lower extremities to send to my doctor. But, I accidentally sent it to Twitter. I had just gotten off the phone with my secretary a moment before so she was still on the forefront of my mind. You have to understand that on the Blackberry, the 'Send to Twitter' button is right next to the 'Send to Email' button. Because of the timing of my phone call and the button placement by Blackberry, this very unfortunate circumstance ensued. I have shamed my friends and family, and I wholeheartedly apologize for my silly mistake. I am human too. I just hope we can move past this so I can continue my job on Capital Hill; this isn't what I'm paid for."

But, unfortunately for him, he didn't contact us, so he continues to look like a sexting, lying, son of a gun. We feel sorry for his beautiful wife and the college girl who had to delete her Twitter and Facebook because of it. Let's have a moment of silence for her...

To view the lewd picture click here.

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