Sunday, June 12, 2011

I See You Admiring My Exterior Design

Admiring The Important Things
Kathleen Wambier (@persian_royalty)

Damn baby!
I see you baby! Walking 'round with a body like a coke bottle.
Damn girl! Come on over here and let daddy put it down.
I would tear that a%# up.

Ya boy, I see you admiring my exterior design. Lovin' it when I bend over, stand erect, and especially while I recline.
See daddy, I know your likin my extra fat here and there,
I see you imagining running your fingers through my soft, white hair.

And when I walk by,
Hips swinging, back straight, head held high, You are SO interested in my,

See, I’m sure that by now, determined by the amount of times you have sexed me with your eyes,
That you know both my bra and pant size.
And I'm sure that you have noticed with an a%# like this, that it's nearly impossible to fit into any brand besides Apple Bottoms.
As if that doesn’t bring more attention to it.

And I'm sure you know that black women don’t get too happy when a white girl with a backside is walkin' round,
Takin' all their men.
Screamin this 'n that about if I come onto their ground one more time, they will beat and pound my face in 'till I learn my place and stick with my own race in this ghetto a%# world.

Ya boo, I know you see me. Sayin' you know all about me, but boy you don’t know shit.
You see these lips and the shape of these Persian eyes,
But I know that you don’t give a damn about anything but these thick thighs.

I'm sure you know all about my insecurities as an opinionated independent woman.
You love the fact that I am analytical, educated, and political.
Ya, I'm sure the next thing you were gonna ask me was how I felt about my relationship with God.
Or my relationship with my father, cause your always takin' the time to bother me,
Asking how my day went, if I celebrate Lent, or ANTHING that has to do with me internally.

Man, I'm not stupid, at the end of the day I know its not about getting to know me.
All your interested in, is screaming across MLK,
Damn Baby! I see you white girl. I can tell you got a lotta class with all that a$%,
And I would love to get to know ya.

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