Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's summer 2011, so why am I not enjoying it?

Dyy Romero (@BangBangUDyy)
I got out of school for the summer a month ago, and I have yet to say “I LOVE THIS SUMMER” or “I'M HAVING A BLAST THIS SUMMER”. This summer, I've been working and sitting at home in my hot room, fanning myself, and complaining about how hot my room is… that’s pretty much sums up my summer activities. WHY does my summer suck?! Where are my drunken nights with friends? When will I wake up with a major hangover and not remember how I got home? Why haven’t I come home at 7am from a crazy night yet?

Just a month ago, I was DYING to come back home from college and enjoy this summer with my friends. We had major plans for the up-coming months, and we spoke non-stop about how much fun we were going to have. Lately, I see my friends only occasionally, and I’ve yet to have that “blast” with them. I feel like such a loser because I’m writing how sucky my summer is going, while you, the reader, might be saying "Wow, sucks for you, because I'm definitely enjoying mine". Yes, I know the FIRST day of summer was June, 21st… but I’ve been out of school a WHOLE month... did you read that? A WHOLE MONTH and I have yet to say "Man, this summer is crazy" or "Man, I shouldn't have done that last night" . Till this day, I can honestly say the high-light of this summer has been when I go to sleep at night, the visit to the L.A Zoo, and when I hit prestige on Black Ops. Lame, right? It’s okay, go on ahead and feel sorry for me.

I’ve had wonderful, fulfilling, exciting, crazy summers for the past 4 years! (It would be more, but my mom didn't let me out of the house until four years ago.) I don’t have that same feeling for this one though. Is it the June gloom? Is it because this is my first summer since the 9th grade that I'm not attending summer school? Is it because my dog is pregnant? Ahhhh! This is driving me insane! Were my expectations just too high? Am I just growing up? Do I need new friends? Am I just anticipating it too much? What’s wrong? Grrrrrrrr! I think I’m ready to go back to school now.

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