Monday, June 13, 2011

Take My Life, But Leave My Phone

by liselott Roos (@ liselottroos)
I grab my phone before I even open my eyes. The blaring beeping is the alarm clock on my phone telling me to get up. But, I don't get up, because the first fifteen minutes of my morning are spent on seeing what I've missed during the night. I have to see the news, Twitter, and Facebook before I even get out of bed in the morning. Next, in front of my closet, I grab my phone for the weather report. And finally, on my way to work, I check my phone for my horoscope to see what today will bring me.

On the surface, it seems my phone has made things easier for me. But, has it really? Is it really easier when you always have to be on it? When everybody always knows exactly what you are doing, where you are, and who you're with? There was a time when if you didn't want to talk, you could be left alone by simply not answering the phone. Nowadays? Impossible! People will use every kind of communication medium and social media possible to track you down. Even on Facebook they will ask you why you are not on Twitter, but on Twitter they will ask you why you are not on Facebook anymore.

Have we become slaves to our phones? Are we in control of our phones, or are our phones controlling us?
Guess there is only one way for me to find out. So don't bother calling me guys, I'm switching off my phone...
picture souce: dail a phone .com

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