Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Vixen Character Type

Do you recall that girl who grew up in your neighborhood? The girl you had a crush on with the big ol booty? The girl who’s father kept a close eye on his daughter because he was aware of his daughter’s curvy figure and was determined to keep her away from any knucklehead who even dreamed about trying to corrupt his daughter?

Yes, we all know that girl. Well that girl grew up, went away to college, and moved to Hollywood. She had dreams of being an actress. She’s a smart motivated girl, who surrounds herself with those like her. She creates casting profiles and begins submitting herself online for jobs and begins auditioning. Soon, she notices that she’s only getting called in for music video work, stripper roles, prostitute roles, or a lustful female because of the shape of her body.

Despite all, she is determined to get a better role so she consults with her acting coach who tells her that it is wise to choose a “character type” when getting started. Since she’s attractive she thinks her character type may be “the love interest” or “cute girl next door” but when she goes to audition, the casting director says “wow” you’re really voluptuous and she never receives a callback. She later goes on another audition and she overhears the casting director say, “she was gorgeous but she’s more of a vixen type”. This bamboozles her because she doesn’t feel that she projects herself as a vixen.

The definitions of a vixen are 1. A female fox. So in American culture being called a “fox” just means you’re hot, attractive, ect…… Hmmm, ok not so bad. Definition 2: A quarrelsome or spiteful woman. Ok, all bad. Especially with the stereotype that the Black female is spiteful and bitter towards life in general. Now we’re learning that our bodies are a stereotype, and not a good one at that, where do we go from here? Where does a respectable black female with curves place herself in Hollywood? Will she ever be able to star in a leading role in a film like “The Notebook”? There are so many amazingly talented black women in Hollywood who work hard to obtain the limited respectable roles that Hollywood has available to Black women. Sure we have those like Halle Berry, Gabrielle Union, Nia Long, and Sanaa Lathan whom we love; but where do the rest of us fall in line? Do we have to starve ourselves and lose our beloved “lady lumps” to get the respect we deserve? Someone needs to break the standard. Who’s it gonna be?

Brianne Hunter 


  1. Good job, definitely an introspective piece.

  2. Loveeee it bre!!!!! Continue to do what your doing follow your dream there is someone out there....waiting for you to come around "you can be anything you wanna be" stick to it keep ya head held high....<3 u bunches *Sach*

  3. Well said! I share a lot of your sentiments and questions. Never compromise. You are so much more than the standard, love.

  4. Well written, more importantly insightful and thought provoking. Its obvious you are more than a super bad figure, you are a super bad individual with talent to share. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Interesting piece Bre, I think the next phase would be to identify the studios that routinely turn down black women for roles traditionally given to white women and begin to voice our opinion. As black people we must remember our dollars speak just as loudly as any other consumer. If we stop supporting these companies they will see just how serious we are, until we begin to mobilize our community we will continue to be pigeon-holed into these BS roles.

  6. I love it Bre. Friend you are a phenomenal woman and who ever can't see that, then they're just blind. Bre please keep on speaking your mind and one day things will change. Love you girl.
    *Shanti Howard *
