Tuesday, July 12, 2011

15 Things I Wish I'd Known in High School

1. Stop stressing about hanging out with the "cool kids". A year later, you're not going to care the tiniest bit about those people. Whether or not you hung out with them will have no impact whatsoever on your life. Hang out with who you like and stop worrying.

2. Try not to be so mean to your parents. They really do just want the best for you and you owe them more than you realize. And, believe it or not, soon enough you're going to like hanging out with them.

3. STOP wearing Abercrombie and Juicy Couture. Actually, don't just stop. Burn them. Burn them all.

4. Posting Facebook statuses and pictures of you drinking and partying doesn't make you look cool, mature, and awesome. It makes you look dumb, annoying, and oblivious.

5. You're 16. In all reality, you don't know yourself. So, how can you expect to know who you want to marry? Your current boyfriend is, in all likelihood, temporary.

6. Don't be afraid to stand out with what you wear, what you like, and what your interests are. It's not something to be embarrassed about, it's something to be unbelievably proud of.

7. DO NOT choose a college your best friend or boyfriend is going to. Period.

8. Being intellectual, liking your classes, and doing your homework isn't dorky. It's ideal.

9. Teachers aren't mean, old people who hate kids. Lots of them have very interesting stories and can be great sources of advice.

10. Too much eye makeup is never a good idea.

11. Don't be the girl whose naked cellphone pictures have been sent to every guy in the school.

12. Make an effort to be nice to people who are picked on or made fun of. An easy act on your part can make someone else's day.

13. Always carry a tampon.

14. Your first make out session shouldn't be in a movie theatre with 20 friends and your brother sitting next to you. Some things really are meant to be done in private.

15. There's a certain careless, exciting ambivalence when you're under 18 and are trying everything for the first time. Never forget the feeling.

Riley Stauffer (@rileystauffer)

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