Saturday, July 16, 2011

ICONic Boyz

April 7, 2011, may not be a day that will forever live on in infamy, but to me, as well as to countless others, it was a day that changed everything. (OK, maybe that's a little dramatic, but hey, it caught your attention, right?) This was the day the ICONic Boyz set foot on the stage of America's Best Dance Crew: Season of the Superstars. Throughout the season, this group was known as "The Justin Bieber's of Dance", but as time would tell, they became much more than that: inspiration and heroes to the youth of America.

This group of kids made history by becoming the youngest crew ever on ABDC (their ages ranged from 10-14). Let me introduce you to these adorable little kids: Louis 'Dapitbul'-at age 10 and the youngest member of the crew, has so much talent for his age. It's unbelievable. Thomas, or "TMoney" -never fails to 'bring it' and always puts his heart and soul into every performance, not to mention he's a master at 'tutting'. Jason 'Nobonez'- I think his nickname says it all. This kid is only 11, and is by far one of the most insane dancers I have ever seen. Plus, how can we forget his facials? They are amazing. Mikey "Spikey Mikey"- Made all our jaws drop the first week with his "Situation abs" and contained to amaze us every week, especially with his killer Isos. Madison "Madboy"- He brings so much to the stage and always manages to shine in every performance. He by far has one of the best Dougie's and Catdaddy's I have EVER seen. Nick "Nicholicious"- The drive and dedication he puts into every performance is truly inspiring. He has so much talent, and and shows it every performance. Vinny "The Grandman"- He truly is an example of what happens if you follow your dreams. He grew up being bullied and told he'd never make it as a dancer. He never listened and instead continued to pursue his dream. Look how far he made it. He's only been dancing about 3 years, but he's made a name for himself already. He has so much natural talent and it will only continue to grow with the years.

Throughout the season, they became quite the controversy; it seemed for every ounce of support they received, there was twice as much hate trying to bring them down. People everywhere claimed they couldn't dance, and they were only on the show because they were 'cute'. I dare you to watch this performance, and tell me the boys didn't hold their own and keep up with the older crews (

Despite all the hate, the boys kept pushing through and continued to inspire and touch hearts everywhere. They stood for and represented underdogs and people who have been bullied and told 'no'. These young boys inspired kids everywhere to go after their dreams. They continued to inspire all the way to the end, and made the final two of the competition. Although the boys didn't win the first place title, they won in so many other ways. Countless ICONIacz (the clever name given to their loyal fans), myself included, still continue to support these boys and always will. I guarantee you this is only the beginning for these talented kids, and not only the seven boys that were on the show, but all fifteen of the ICONic Boyz. Geo, their choreographer and mentor, is the one responsible for bringing this talented young group together. If it weren't for him, none of this would have been possible.. So Geo, if you're reading this: Thank you. I feel like none of us can say thank you enough for everything you do. You boys are winners in our eyes, and nothing can change that. After all, Justin Bieber placed second place in a talent show once…and look at him now.

Ashley Gabriel


  1. This was amazing! I am almost speechless. You writing this puts into words what every ICONiac wants to say. Thank you so much for writing this(:

  2. Thank you! Im grateful I had the opportunity to express what us ICONiacz feel :) Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! Always Be ICONic :)

  3. the first time they were on ABDC was on April 14...
