Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Planking: Fun New Trend or a Death Sentence?

There’s a new wacky phenomenon sweeping the nation, and when I say wacky, I mean WACKY. What is it? Well you probably already guessed it. It’s planking. Yes, planking. If there are any “plankers” out there, raise your hands! (Not really). Planking is the act of lying face and stomach down in a precarious location. Old folks would say this is another case of something absurd damaging our youth. Us young people would interject and just say this is pure and aimless fun. Who would you agree with? And why the hell has it become so popular in the first place? 

One day I hopped on Twitter, and all over my timeline I saw tons of my followers uploading pictures of themselves lying face down in peculiar places. I assumed this was a ridiculous new trend that I refused to take part in, but each and everyday the trend became more and more widespread. Even celebrities have started taken part in planking! For example, artists such as Big Sean, Justin Bieber, Chris Brown, and even Flavor Flav! Yes, I did in fact say Flavor Flav. 

The term planking originated from Australia but is actually just another name for 'the lying down game'. (I kid you not, it’s seriously also known as that). Apparently, there is some kind of point system for when you plank. The crazier and wackier the place, the more creativity “points” you get. There have been pictures of people planking on escalators, animals, McDonald’s signs, even basketball hoops! Crazy, huh? 

Although it just sounds like another silly activity, it became pretty serious a few weeks ago. An Australian man died trying to plank on a balcony, collapsing seven stories to his death! Now, I know you all are probably thinking “Who the hell would plank on the ledge of a balcony seven stories high?” Just as he probably thought his location wasn’t unsafe, I’m sure that’s the same thing you plankers think as well.

I don’t mean to be a Debbie Downer, but seriously people, the planking has got to stop! This trend is awful. Fun, but awful. Of course I am not the voice of the nation, so I know I won’t be listened to, but if you all are going to plank, please do it somewhere safe, even if you do lose some “cool points.” What do you value more? An awesome plank, or you life? Think about it. 

(P.S., please don’t walk around wearing these shirts!)

Osa Ogbebor (@rosaparkks)

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