Sunday, August 28, 2011

Just a thought

There is a BIG difference between keeping it "real" and keeping it "to the point" that doesn't consist of "talking" about people just to make your "miserable self" feel better!

Generally speaking, the "unhappy" people of the world who feed off of other's happiness envy and put all their focus on that other person, instead of themselves.

There is nothing wrong with a person who is ready to make a positive change in their life. Why don't you do the same positive change instead of envying?

Everyone in this cold, cruel world is their own person! God brought you into this world alone & usually will take you out of this world alone, so why would you want to be someone else?! God made you to be uniquely you!

Coming together would consist of being happy for one another and working together in our community, instead of what our young adults would call hating on one another!

Amber Mize (@TheyEnvyA)

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