Thursday, August 25, 2011

Online dating safety net

Raquel Brown (@Dakinigirl)
Dating scene has changed so much throughout the years, I feel like I don't know how to date anymore.

You have all these dating sites, where you can pretty much custom order what you are looking for, hoping somehow to perfectly match your profile. Speed dating, speed dating? really? how much can you find out about someone in 5 minutes or less? Then, you have blind dates, do they ever work? *Shrugs*I don't know (sigh).

The whole dynamics of the dating ritual has changed. There are [Rules], which frankly confuse me. The texts, I mean seriously, is it that big of a deal if after a great date, if I text first to say; thank you for a wonderful evening? Because apparently that is a no no.

I personally am not a fan of texts, they are so impersonal, and leave to much room for deciphering intonations and intentions. You're left wondering why he only said, Hello or why did he just say hey. Was that a good hey or should it have been more like a hey you! Happy to hear from you hey... UGH!

Then you are left wondering why he is not texting right away, he texts you first but somehow, there is no constant flow in your conversation. If he is busy, why did he text you to begin with? Trying to read between the lines is become an exhausting and daunting task. I try not to do it, but sometimes, I still find myself doing it. :-/

I rather get the phone call myself. Why? Because, you have the voice, pure and unfiltered. No room for second guesses, it's so much more fun, to get a phone call and hear his excitement to hear your voice. I don't know, call me corny or old fashioned, that's my preference.

Why can't we go back to the good old days, were courting someone was fun and romantic. Where you tried to sweep the girls of their feet, and be a gentleman instead of texting a simple hey.

What's wrong with making dating easier as it used to be. I think technology has created a monster and we are all getting the feeling of inadequacy and awkwardness, when it should be so simple. I think sometimes we are all left with a void, or a feeling of confusion.

We all like to know where we seriously stand, and sometimes, people just like to hide behind a text, because having to face the person directly is sometimes frightening. Maybe texting and online dating has become a safety net for some individuals. Perhaps, it buffers the fear of rejection, and serves as a shield to protect your otherwise exposed heart.

Some people say, that technology has made it easier for individuals to stay connected. I can't help but wonder, if all these networking sites have actually not made us socially handicapped. Where it has become so much simpler to say what you want behind a computer screen or smart phone in 140 characters or less. But yet, have become socially inapt to hold a real conversation in person in a social setting.

Interesting how you can find so much to talk about to someone online or behind a text, but yet, put those two same people in a room together, and somehow they can't seem to get a conversation going. Perhaps they should turn their backs to each other and Tweet, that may

1 comment:

  1. Yes technoloy has made it easier for everyone to stay connected.Online dating is an incredible timesaver for busy people.Dating sites bring together thousands of single people who are all interested in meeting new people.
