Sunday, October 9, 2011

RANT: Why be Lazy?

In my opinion, most people in this generation are too damn lazy. I hate when I text people and all I get is “Lol, wyd?” or “smh” or “hmu.” It drives me insane. Start actually spelling things out. Instead of “wyd?” say, “What are you up to?” or instead of “hmu” say, “Just call or text me whenever.” It’s annoying how people rely so much on texting, people don’t know how to communicate anymore. 

Socializing is fading, all people do is text, tell the whole world their life and every move they’re doing on Facebook when Facebook is to socialize, not bitch and post music videos all day. No body cares! And another thing, when people “fight” they think proving a point is to get physical. Start talking and have something to say. Actually have a defense. All people say is “what the fuck” or “oh my Gosh.” All girls know how to say is “Bitch” “fuck that bitch” or something with the words slut, bitch, chick, fat ass, ugly bitch.. Stop being jealous of everyone. Start getting confidence, independence and stop being conceited because most likely, you have no reason to be. Perfection does not exist. No body knows what being humble and having respect is these days… People are still stuck in High School. Get over it, grow up and stop being lazy, useless people. Change the world in some way, find a passion and if you have a passion, use it. Stop making your life revolve around the internet, texting and do something in life.

Kelly Cypert (@kellyraelynn)

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