Saturday, October 8, 2011

Occupy Wall Street in a nutshell

OCCUPY WALLSTREET is a people powered movement in a show of solidarity for democracy that began in America on September 17 2011 and continues with an encampment in the financial district on Wall Street in New York City and spreading to 200+ cities across the US and the World. What's Your Role?

The bankers manufacture recessions & depressions to exert a greater control over social & political structures. The banksters create & finance the wars on both sides of the conflicts. The banksters orchestrate famine, poverty and debt. The banksters control the policies that control the media and the education system that is operated to maintain ignorance in the public, but we can change that. The American People are waking up.

We were born free yet the system around us has been designed in such a deceptively clever way that you end up willingly giving up your god given rights. The veils are lifting, and no amount of mental or emotional distraction can stand in the way of a truth whose time has come, the game is rigged.

The richest 1% of Americans possess more wealth THAN THE COMBINED WEALTH OF THE BOTTOM 90% and in intentionally orchestrated times of recession and depression the 1% are thriving with record profits. It's time the abuse and corruption of corporations, banks and governments reaches the spotlight. It's time to abolish the Federal Reserve and end corporate greed.

If you are not able to stand in solidarity on Wall Street to express your views on a failed system, you can use the internet, your voice and your everyday position in life to participate as well as becoming the change you wish to see. Share your talents, gifts & peaceful solutions, the world is waiting for your contributions. Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything.

What's Your Role?

-Occupy Wall Street

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