Thursday, January 5, 2012

Beauty Tips from Ali Orr

Lets talk about acne!

A little background story for ya, I didn't have the typical acne in high school instead it started......sophomore year of college, and bad acne as well. I went to the dermatologist and after using medication to help control acne I am left with the scarring and uneven skin tone. In the summer when I went to follow up with my dermatologist again he said I might want to consider 'Microdermabrasion'....... the word just LOOKS like it would be expensive haha. And to be quite honest, when getting it done professionally.... it can be (depending on what a you would consider 'expensive'). A place that I went to LUCKILY was working with Groupon so I spent $60 total for 1 session of Microdermabrasion when the original price was roughly $120.

Olay's Microdermabrasion kit you can use at home $22.99 according to

Not only did I do the research for a better price alternative, I have been using this product for the past few months and I LLLLOOOVVVEEEE ITTTT. My scars have minimized and my overall complexion is SOOOOO much better. Everyone who knew how my acne was said my face has improved dramatically.
Here's the thing you need to keep in mind, consistency. My complexion improved over time not after the first few uses AND you should only use it once a week, too much exfoliation could create more oil on your face (therefore more breakouts).

After your first few uses you'll definitely feel your face is smoother,
Over time your scars will minimize and you'll have a better complexion

I still have a little bit of acne scarring to clear up but this is definitely worth the $25 and I completely trust in this product, it has definitely helped me save A LOT of money on professional treatments.

(Photo from

Ali Orr

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