Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Changing America

In just a little over one hundred years, American tradition has changed immensely. If our great great grandparents came back today, they most likely wouldn't believe the lifestyles we live as Americans today. Even some of our grandparents who are still alive have trouble making peace with all the changes!

Some of these changes in tradition relate specifically to the Bible and Christianity. For instance, the Bible condones birth control. Today, there are countless birth control options for both men and women, and it’s not only considered common practice to use them, but it’s considered ignorant and risky not to. The Bible also speaks out against sex before marriage. Although some Americans still wait for marriage to perform this intimate act, the majority does not. Before it was an absolute necessity that a bride be a virgin, but today, that’s something that has relatively no impact on a couple’s decision to wed. The Bible also decries divorce. A hundred years ago, it would not have been legally possible for a woman to divorce or leave her husband. Today, it’s a unanimous right. Finally, the Bible also forbids tattoos. Today, people even get tattoos of Bible passages or the Holy Cross!

There are also many traditions we no longer follow that don’t have anything to do with the Bible, but used to be an accepted part of American culture. For instance, a woman’s job is no longer limited to cleaning the house and working in the kitchen. Today, women hold empowered positions outside of the house and make up some of the most successful Americans ever: take Oprah for instance. Moreover, when a couple gets married, the woman isn’t always expected to denounce her identity and take the man’s last name. More and more women are hyphening both last names, and there have even been men who have taken the woman’s last name. Also having to do with relationships is the fact that interracial relationships are no longer viewed with hatred, disgust, and violence. Men and women are romantically involved with men and women of different races than their own all the time. If you’re like me, you don’t even have a second thought on it when you see an interracial couple. Finally, years ago it was most controversial if a woman became pregnant before marriage. Today, it’s not nearly as frowned upon. Some couples even make a conscious choice to not get married even though they’ve decided to have children. Brad and Angelina, people!

Although we no longer follow all the above traditions as well as many more, there are some traditions we still follow. For instance, it’s extremely unusual in this day and age for a woman to propose to a man. Most women still consider it the man’s job to make this huge gesture. Gay marriage is also still illegal in almost all states. Although some individual’s believe gay marriage should be equal, many Americans are still appalled by the idea. It’s a struggle for gay couples to find a state that will recognize their love and commitment for each other with a marriage ceremony and certificate.

So, why is it that we keep the traditions that we do? Why is it that we’ve denounced so many? Why is gay marriage still illegal, but interracial marriage is not? Why are women so adamantly proud about their ability to work and provide for themselves, but they still want the man to make the decision to propose? These are questions that anyone will struggle to answer. However, everyone must agree that the changes America has undergone in recent decades are monumental, and it’s incredibly exciting to see what changes will take place in our future as well.

Riley Stauffer (@rileystauffer)

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