Thursday, May 5, 2011

California High School Exit Exam. CAHSEE.

If you haven't graduated from a California high school in the last six years, chances are you've never heard of the C.A.S.H.E.E.. This acrinym is given to the California High School Exit Exam. This test has many urban legends behind it, but it's true that you can't graduate from high school without taking it in the state of California. As if high school seniors don't have enough stress bared upon them through other standardized tests, like the SAT's and ACT's, in addition to the regular pressures of getting into college, as well as keeping a healthy social life and worrying about prom, California students also have to worry about this test. On May 3rd, anxious high-schoolers even managed to make it a trending topic on Twitter. The purpose of the CASHEE is to assess whether students who graduate from high school can demonstrate grade level competency in the state's content standards for reading, writing and mathematics. Let's make sure California beats out neighboring states with our scores! Good Luck!

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