Monday, May 23, 2011

GW: Melissa -exFATgurl is a website providing women of all shapes and sizes to come together and share their struggles. invites women to a distinct place that will help them reach an image that they are comfortable and happy with. is that friend you can always turn to for support, laughs, tears, or anything you are currently feeling on your journey. Everyone knows how to lose weight or at least has an idea of where to start. Eating right and exercising are just the beginning. Having that “friend” to go to makes it easier. Everyone on is on the same page and has an understanding of the emotional and physical battle we fight to get to where we want to be.Our overall goal is to provide a place where women can come together. We have confidence that in the exchanging of tips, sharing of personal stories and learning of new products, we will boost their self confidence as well promote Girl Power!

While the site is designed with the urban girl in mind, we do encourage the fellas to go check it out and give us his view!!!! We love a good discussion Male Vs Female perspective.

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