Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Kids Having Kids

by Sasha Geha (@Nerd_til_death)

16 and pregnant, the newest American trend. Since when did it become okay to flaunt our young teens on the media, creating a hidden message. . Want to get famous quick? Get preggers at a young age, you'll be set for a few months. Then what do you get? 16 and parents, leads to 30 and a grandparent. A not yet adult raising a child. Being raised in an old fashioned household, I'm able to call out the media on the wrong doing they're creating in our future. There's still hope! Get educated America. Look at our past, and learn from it. We come from a strong foundation. Chivalry isn't dead. The fact that some men still open doors for women, surprise with flowers, and speak respectfully to the beauties that may become their other half. Ladies, men will treat you the way you let them. Singing a long to "toot it & boot it" isn't going to help your personality flourish. It's weeding you out, some girls don't have what it takes to be that girl that his mom calls daughter. Strive to be one of the some, not most.

1 comment:

  1. this is absolutely amazing! Females can't be mad when they get treated like hoes when they always quote the hoe songs. haha. much lo0veee
