Monday, August 8, 2011

2011 OC Fair

One of the best things about summer are the fairs, carnivals, and outdoor activities. The OC Fair combines all of this! Located in Costa Mesa, CA, this fair runs from July 15th to August 14th and is open Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from noon to midnight, and Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to midnight.

The OC Fair has been a great success in the past and this year's theme, "Let's Eat!", guarantees it will be yummier than ever! Besides the great food, there's amusement park style rides and roller coasters, exhibits about anything and everything, tons of animals, live music, action sports competitions and more!

Tickets are only $11 for one day, or you can get a Super Pass that costs only $25 and that will grant you access all 23 days! Buy tickets here.

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