Paul Scheer, actor and comedian, has appeared on 30 Rock, Funny or Die Presents, and Parks and Recreation, among others. He currently plays Andre on FX comedy The League, and Tent Hauser on Adult Swim show NTSF:SD:SUV::. He's one of the truly funny guys on TV today, so WadidoLA sat down to interview him.
Name: Paul Scheer
Location: One of George RR Martin's 5 Kingdoms
How long have you been interested in acting? Since I saw Birth of a Nation.
When did you finally start to act? On Different Strokes, I played Mrs. Garrett.
What's your favorite part of being on The League? Working with an amazing and talented cast, creators, and crew ...oh, and the free lunches: Friday is tacos.
Can you talk a little bit about your podcast? My podcast is probably one of only 12 podcasts in existence. It's a bi-monthly show where we talk about bad movies. It's fun. You should listen.
Anything specific you see happening in the future? I see farmer's markets where instead of selling fruit, they actually sell farmers. Also, I see my Adult Swim show NTSF:SD:SUV:: playing every Thursday Night at 12:15PM on Adult Swim.
Follow Paul on Twitter and check out his site for more hilarity!

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