Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fighting the double standard

Men are so reckless nowadays. As a result of their careless behavior, a serious modification in the way that women behave today has occurred as well. It’s like women are trying to keep up with their indiscretions. What other choice do we have? No woman with pride wants to sit in a house mourning over a man, especially while he’s out doing God knows what! Now that it’s desirable to be independent and pay our own bills, why not get a few licks off while we’re at it? Especially, after a hard day’s work. We want in on the action too! Men are like dogs. When they give you crap, you have to stick their nose in it in order to teach them a lesson. The thing that sucks for women, is that we can’t get away with as much as men can without your man despising you. I know you’re all asking, “What if he deserves it?“ Ladies we still can’t do it. MEN CANNOT HANDLE IT!

I would love to believe that society has gotten rid of the double standard. The truth is, is that it hasn’t. There is no way a woman can compete with a man’s trifling behavior, no matter how hard she tries. Society just won’t allow it. For example: If a man has a threesome, he got lucky because he knocked off two chicks in one night. If a woman knocks off two men at the same time…… Wait, a woman cannot have sex with two men at the same time without it being considered a “train”. So not fair!!! You would think that since women have become independent (which men appreciate today, i.e.: Neyo: Miss Independent) that we would be granted the same freedom and be respected for it. NOT!!! As the classic saying goes, men want to have their cake and eat it too. They want the independent woman who works hard, comes home, puts up with the BS, and still makes him feel like a man, even if he isn’t working hard enough to enjoy those privileges. He doesn’t care if he comes home with a baby by someone else. Sorry is supposed to be good enough, because as a female, you are supposed to understand that men “slip-up” sometimes and that they are sorry for it. Just know, ladies, that if you went out and did the exact same thing, you’re a whore and he doesn’t want to be with you.

So, to all of the ladies who love to post statuses on Facebook and Twitter bragging about their sex lives and promiscuity, just know that men are judging you and putting you on the knockoff list. I don’t care if he laughs and comments, you are nonetheless being viewed in a negative manner. And, if he once respected you before, the respect is now gone. If you and your boyfriend take a “break” from each other and decide to exercise “to each his/her own” during the split, know that if any of your escapades get back to him during the interim, the relationship has changed. So, ladies, play it cool, stay in your lane, and let a dog be a dog. Don’t even try to compete with a canine. They are a vicious. They are different from our refined characters. It’s just not worth it.

Brianne Hunter (@hunte143)

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