Friday, August 5, 2011

The gym or Club Fitness?

The gym is my way of relieving the stresses of everyday life, and usually, it is very easy for me to block out the "extra" at the gym, but today I noticed something that I must bring attention to. As I finished my run on the treadmill today, my eyes were drawn to a group of women. The scene I witnessed started to make me truly wonder, "What is the real reason some women come to the gym?"

The group of women I came across, which I'll call the "Gym Vixens", were monopolizing the stretching area. As I came closer to them, I felt as if I was stepping onto the scene of the latest hip-hop video. I immediately began to search for the audition table, but when I found none, I assumed I had been seeing things. Unfortunately for me, that was not the case. These women took dressing for the gym to a new extreme. From the lack of clothes exposing their stomachs, to the butts and boobs, to the ridiculous amount of jewelry adorning their bodies, men couldn't help but stare, and in this case, I didn't really blame them. These women were asking for men to gawk and drool over them. Not only was I floored by the site of them, I also couldn't help but notice that the whole group was not working out. I sat down to stretch out after a long run, and I felt eyes fall on me as they scooted away to avoid being too close to my sweat. I couldn't help but feel like I was missing something. Was I under-dressed? Did I not get the memo? Is the gym the new hottest place to meet men?

The more I thought about these women, the more my competitive spirit came out. I wanted to be the object of men's attention too. Then I quickly snapped out of it as I thought: "This is a gym, not a club, remember?" The gym should be a place for women to escape the desire for male attention. These women give the illusion to men at the gym that they are only there for them.. What I learned from my experience today, is that some women need to learn to leave their sexuality at the door, the gym door, that is.
Just a thought, thanks for hearing me out! 

Erica Schafer (@erica_schafer)

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